The seller must acknowledge and confirm they are the rightful legal owner of any and all supplies and/or other items sold or offered to be sold to Cash4Toners. Seller must acknowledge they are the direct seller of all items and not representing any third party person and/or company or organization. Cash4Toners may request proof of compliance and/or other documentation contained in these terms and conditions. Cash 4 Toners may request such documentation as it sees necessary.
Any person selling or submitting product for purchase to Cash4Toners must be of legal age or older in order to conduct business with Cash4Toners. In addition, by selling to Cash 4 Toners the seller confirms 100% legal ownership of product.
Packaging and Shipping of Surplus Cartridges and Imaging Supplies.
All supplies must be packed into a shipping box and or on a pallet. This is the only form acceptable for shipping product to us! All items must be received in the condition you described in the form above. We strongly recommend using extra packaging materials to ensure that any product shipped to us is received in the best possible condition.
We will need to remove all shipping and related labeling from the product upon receiving. This does not include removal of the factory labels. We prefer to handle addressing the removal of any labels at our facility since we know how to do it correctly without causing any damage or devaluation to the product.
Please do not remove any product stickers or labels that are on the exterior of the product packaging. Removal of any original labels and stickers may reduce the value of the items and actually cause damage to the product.