
How to Print Stickers – Everything You’ll Need To Get Started

By Rob Errera | September 15, 2021
So you want to print stickers! Good for you!  What would you like to do? Hang custom photos in your school locker? Decorate an envelope? Make your fridge the coolest fridge in town? We’ll show you how to make all kinds of stickers in a few simple steps.  Whatever the reason, learning how to print […]
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Eye-Opening Recycling Statistics [U.S. and Global]

By Rob Errera | August 20, 2021
Reduce, reuse, recycle — it’s a mantra we endorse wholeheartedly here at Cash 4 Toners, where recycling is a top priority.  But are Americans adopting the “reduce, reuse, recycle” philosophy into their everyday lives?  Let’s take a look at recycling statistics in the United States and abroad. Recycling in the US Statements made by former […]
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How to Transfer Print To Canvas

By Rob Errera | June 30, 2021
There are several ways to transfer a printed photo to canvas. We love the look of a canvas print and photo transfers make a great gift.  We look at the simplest and most popular method to transfer photos below.  Transferring An Image To Canvas With Gel Medium This is the same method we used when transferring […]
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Printer Cartridge Recycling – How To Recycle Ink and Toner Cartridges

By Rob Errera | February 20, 2021
Cartridge Recycling Toner recycling is the latest raw material to make its way into the recycling chain. From paper to rubber, to tin — the practice of recycling materials back into their raw state originated hundreds of years, prior to The Revolutionary War.  The goal of classic recycling is to convert waste products into new products […]
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